Printing PDF Files From iOS Device With A Simple Printer

I do a lot of research on the internet on just about anything and I usually print a lot of documents for reading offline. Recently I get to research some craft templates for an activity I will do with my daughter. 

Unfortunately, one day my laptop WI-FI got busted and it can't connect to the internet anymore and that's really bad because I need the laptop to print out some more documents in the future on researches I've done online. There's no other laptop at home and I can't yet buy a new one to replace it. Now, I have to use the iPad instead. But I have a problem on how I can print some research or templates from an iPad, our printer does not support airprinting or it's not the type that has a wireless access point to command an iPad or iOS device to print files on the printer. 

I thought about ways, until one day I got this simple idea and I share it here for those who are encountering the same problem and are looking for a way on how to be able to print something from an iOS device with a simple printer. Well, here it goes:


If the file is PDF, you can't just tap it and save to your camera roll like you would when the file is a JPEG image. Here is what you should do:

1. Open the PDF file, position the page properly or page you intend to print so that it covers all of the page you want to print.

2. Next, hold the "Home" button of your device and the "Sleep/Wake" button on top at the same time, this way you can capture a picture of the page. The image was saved into your camera roll.

3. Now, you can copy this file when you connect your device to a laptop or computer. Just crop the unnecessary parts then save.

4. Open a microsoft word and insert the image there. Print out the file or page using your printer.


And that's it, you can now print any file from your iOS device using a simple printer. 

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